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NEW FOR 2024
Non-Competitive Open Class - aimed at younger more inexperienced walkers with the additional guidance of a leader known to them (see the About page for more details)

The Organising Team's aim is to continue to put on an exciting and challenging day, suitable for all levels of team competition, and to provide Base Challenges ranging from the 'fun' type to the more 'skilled' type to test a team's Scouting/Guiding knowledge

A tough daytime competition hike which has run annually since 1983
Always the First Sunday in October
Open to all
Scout and Guide members from 101/2 years upwards

The TREK CHALLENGE operates in the Worcestershire countryside, in and around Inkberrow.

Teams of 3 (or 4 in special circumstances) can enter in various age groups
(NOTE: For non-Competitive Open Class the accompanying leader is in addition to these numbers)

Distances walked vary between 5 to 35km depending on age and ability.

In advance you will know where the bases are located (they change every year) and are free to plan your route to visit as many or few as you like within the maximum, time frame of 7 hours.

Make sure you return to HQ before your time is up!

There are up to 20 bases to visit. Some are manned bases with challenges to take part in. Some are un-manned ‘click and go’ bases.


All bases are point scoring, allowing you to clock up your total number of points.

All teams are provided with a GPS personal tracker for safety and security reasons. We monitor the position of all our teams during the event and are able to more effectively offer support to those teams who need it.


Two person mobile patrols, with good local knowledge, operate continuously during the day and are able to react quickly to any assistance that may be required.

GPS location tracking of these mobile units allows us to effectively direct them to any incident requiring their support


Flexible start times, between 8:30am and 10:00am, are available to accommodate

teams who have greater distances

to travel to the HQ.


Teams are expected to arrive just prior to their selected start time and be ready to start promptly.


At booking in, teams are photographed (subject to relevant consent). This is to enable us to produce the winning certificates at the end of the event.

On completion of each team’s walk they must check back

in at the HQ, after which, teams are free to leave for home.

There will be light refreshments available in the main hall of the HQ.


The competition results are posted within a few days online and via Email.

For more information about the event, including our rules and other key points plus how to enter, please browse this website.

In addition please feel free to contact us using our email address

"Plan your Route - Accept the Challenge"

We are now on Instagram! (@trekchallenge)

in addition to Facebook and Twitter. It would be great if you could follow us and add your own photos :)

Email us on

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